Custom Insoles or Custom made orthotics are inserts added inside the footwear or shoe to custom support the foot’s natural structure. Our feet are the support base for our entire skeleton. A badly aligned foot structure affects the rest of our body including lower back, hips, knees and legs.

Everyone can benefit from custom insoles. Custom orthotics do more than support your feet.
They help realign skeletal structure to a relaxed neutral position to relieve foot, leg, and back stress. They also help restore balance, increase endurance, alleviate foot fatigue and prevent a vast array of foot problems.
We create custom orthotics made from an actual foot impression that captures the contours of each of your feet. These customized insoles provide support for the foot as well as realign foot joints while standing, walking, or running. Those with flat feet, high arch or supinated feet can benefit enormously from custom insoles, as can those who are involved in sports or other physical exercise and activities.
The right Footwear is critical
By wearing the wrong footwear we often end up developing long term foot, heel or ankle damage that causes pain, discomfort or trauma. It is critical to buy and wear the right shoes and accessories that fit your feet and your lifestyle.
Customized Orthotic insoles provide the best support for your feet – reducing pressure, pinching, and rubbing that lead to painful conditions like bunions, blisters and heel pain. If you already have problems like these – or other foot conditions like hammer toes, arch strain or overlapping toes – custom insoles can help to ease the pain easily.
What Are The Custom Orthotic Insoles?
Custom Orthotics (also known as orthotic insoles, shoe inserts, or orthoses) are devices placed inside shoes that restore our natural foot function. Many common complaints such as back, knee pain and hip pain are caused by poor foot biomechanics.
Biomechanics is the science that studies the body’s movements during walking, running and sports. The most common form of bad foot biomechanics is over-pronation, which is the dropping of the arches and rolling inwards of the feet and ankles. Over-pronation affects up to 70% of the global population.
Orthotic insoles correct over-pronation and realign the foot and ankle bones to their neutral position. This improves natural foot functions thereby reducing not just foot and ankle problems but also alleviating knee, hip and lower back pain in many cases.
Why Do We Need Orthotics?
Almost 70% of us suffer from some degree of over-pronation because of the hard, flat surfaces we walk on daily. Age, weak ankles and excess body weight also contribute to over-pronation.
While over-pronation may not pose a problem for many, it can also lead to serious foot problems like ankle pain, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia – if not treated correctly and timely.
Orthotics correct the problem of over-pronation and can help reduce or eliminate many common aches and pains. Orthotics are an effective and inexpensive solution to the over-pronation problem. Buying a pair of orthotics can be a worthwhile investment in your health since they can prevent many serious lower body problems.
How Are Orthotics Different From Regular Shoe Insoles?
There’s a significant difference between regular insoles and orthotics. Regular insoles are purely designed to provide a cushioning effect and shock absorption. They may feel comfortable at first, however they do not address any biomechanical problem (i.e. they are not designed to correct over-pronation).
On the other hand, orthotics are a functional device, designed to correct and optimize our foot function.
How do orthotics exactly work?
They also provide some degree of shock absorption, but this is not their main purpose. The main purpose of an orthotic insole is to improve foot function, in many cases reducing pain and preventing serious problems and injuries in the future.
Orthotics do a lot more than support the arches. Orthotics realign the feet and ankles and restore deficient foot function. In addition, orthotics enable a more even weight distribution, taking pressure off sore spots (e.g. the heels, the ball of the foot, corns in between toes, and bunions).
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