Dr. Chetan Oswal is an Orthopedic surgeon with exclusive expertise in the Knee. He has had his advanced surgical fellowship from United kingdom. Complicated foot and ankle surgery are his forte.

Knee Replacement Surgery

The knee joint is the commonest joint to be injured with playing sports, the bones of the knee are covered with cartilage to allow smooth movement. There is medial & lateral meniscus (cushions) – that function as shock absorbers.

Cartilage & Stem Cell Treatments

Cartilage can be damaged with increasing age, normal wear and tear, or during sports injuries. Damaged cartilage cannot cushion the joint during movement and the bone may rub over each other causing severe pain and inflammation.

Knee Arthroscopy

The knee joint is the commonest joint to be injured with playing sports, the bones of the knee are covered with cartilage to allow smooth movement. There is medial & lateral meniscus (cushions) – that function as shock absorbers.

Knee Sports Injuries

The Orthopedic knee joint is the commonest joint to be injured with playing sports, the bones of the knee are covered with cartilage to allow smooth movement. There is medial & lateral meniscus (cushions) – that function as shock absorbers.

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