Flatfoot is a very common problem in some children. Many parents worry, thinking that it will result in permanent disability or deformity. Within the ...
How Do Foot Insoles Help Foot Posture Problems?
Insoles can avoid your foot problems by improving your posture directly. Improving the structural posture of your feet also helps in regulating body m...
General Instructions for Care of the Diabetic Foot
If you have diabetes, it is likely that you will develop certain foot problems. This is because diabetes can lessen the flow of blood to the feet and ...
Fractures of the 5th Metatarsal (Jones Fracture)
A fifth metatarsal fracture is an injury that occurs where the bone which connects your ankle to the little toe breaks. These fractures happen due to ...
Chronic Ankle Instability: What to Do When a Sprained Ankle Won’t Heal
Chronic Ankle Instability refers to a condition where there is giving away of the outer or lateral side of your ankle. It occurs after having repeated...
How to Prevent Infection from your Ingrown Toenail?
An ingrown toenail is a very common type of condition in which the side or corner of the toenail grows into your soft flesh. The result is redness, pa...