What are Custom Orthotics? Custom orthotics are specialized shoe inserts designed to support, align, and improve the overall function of your feet. Th...
सुबह उठने पर एड़ी में दर्द के कारण और बचाव के उपाय
क्या आपके भी सुबह उठने के बाद एड़ियों में दर्द (Heel pain)होता ह...
टाच दुखीने (Heel Pain) हैराण आहात का?; आधी योग्य कारण ओळखा मगच उपाय करा
टाचदुखी( Heel Pain) म्हणजे अगदीच किरकोळ दुखणं मानलं जातं. त्याम...
Heel Pain After Waking Up in the Morning
After waking up in the morning, heel pain can be a symptom of many things. The pain often worsens with foot movement and is usually accompanied by swe...
Calcaneum (Heel Bone) Fracture- Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
A calcaneum fracture is a break in the heel bone. There are two kinds of calcaneum fracture– one which includes the subtalar joint, and the othe...
Six Common Causes of Feet and Heel Pain
Pain in your feet or heel can be because each of them takes the entire of your body weight. This can make any type of movement uncomfortable. In addit...