We put all the weight of our bodies on our ankles. Hence, sometimes we can sprain our ankles. If we do not treat our ankles in such circumstances, the...
Quick Facts About Flexible Flatfoot in Children
Flatfoot is a very common problem in some children. Many parents worry, thinking that it will result in permanent disability or deformity. Within the ...
How Do Foot Insoles Help Foot Posture Problems?
Insoles can avoid your foot problems by improving your posture directly. Improving the structural posture of your feet also helps in regulating body m...
Fractures of the 5th Metatarsal (Jones Fracture)
A fifth metatarsal fracture is an injury that occurs where the bone which connects your ankle to the little toe breaks. These fractures happen due to ...
How to Prevent Ankle Pain While Running?
It is one of the common problems that every runner faces once in a lifetime. Whenever you take a step, you are putting your absolute pressure and weig...
5 Biggest Benefits of Orthopedic Shoes
The branch of medical science that deals with the treatment and analysis of your body’s musculoskeletal system. When do you need Orthopedic shoe...